Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy thoughts happy thoughts

Last blog was kind of mean. Actually, "kind of" would be an understatement. so I just wanted to post something happy before i sleep.

actually the first thing that popped up in my mind is SHIKAAAAAAA.

you know who shika is? she's my bestest friend. we think alike too many times. we sometimes don't even have to finish the sentence because we both know what we are talking about. we are both fucking crazy, there is no limit to what we can accomplish together. Having said that, she is located on the other side of the world. I think God made it that way because if we were both together in the same country, it would be chaos. Armageddon. Call it what you want it. We are like the nightmare version of Yin & Yang.. We would SOO take over territories. countries. islands. the world. and have yo grandparents sing and dance to our Shika-Nation national anthem. We make Bonnie & Clyde look like Bugs Bunny & Tweety. DO NOT FUCK with us.

its 4 in the morning and im cracked out like a crackhead who sniffed baking soda thinking it was crack. good bye world.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


First off I want to thank SHIKA! for helping me come up with the blog title. It's so random and genius, which is exactly what my blog is going to be like..random and..well maybe not so much for the genius part.

Secondly, I have absolutely nothing else to talk about. My brain is dead from last night of crazy drinking. but if I try to remember really hard, I think I was the only one drinking crazy. I think at some point I started dancing too. ahhh... I love the hate & love relationship with alcohol <3